Why the ViaVelo Bicycle U Lock Should be Your First Choice?

Why the ViaVelo Bicycle U Lock Should be Your First Choice?

August 19, 2022

Why is a bicycle U lock something you should consider?

It is common to see bikers discuss bike locks nowadays. In times when we expect flying cars and great spaceships in the future, the return to the modest bicycle for the present is not only intriguing but heartening too. Bicycle u lock  is very essential for our bicycle to protect.

So why has cycling and bicycle-locks, in general, become so important? It’s time to understand the ground game here

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The Renaissance of Cycling


It is very easy to understand why so many people are cycling these days. The environmental costs of driving cars and burning fuels are slowly becoming apparent to people across the globe. As an alternative, cycling is not only a better alternative to driving fuel-guzzling cars but also beneficial for the rider’s health.

The increase in cycling and cyclists has also seen a natural rise in the number of thefts. Bike security has become a major issue and that is evident with the rapid increase in the demand for secure bicycle locks.

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Why U Locks? Why Not Cable or Chain locks?


A bicycle U lock is a type of bike lock. It is U-shaped and a bike lock which has a growing popularity in the market.

Someone new to the world of bike locks would wonder why a bike U lock is so famous.

A U lock is a relatively new invention. For years and decades, the most common and identifiable way to lock a bike was using a chain or a cable. Now for a thief, breaking a chain bike lock is theoretically as simple as the functioning principle of the lock itself. To steal a bike secure by a chain, a thief has to cut the chain open.

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Most thieves use bolt cutters for cutting a chain open. No matter how long the chain, all a thief really needs to do is cut it open. Like chain locks, cable locks also involve using an extended material to restrict the movement of the bicycle and securing the connection with a lock.


A regular bike thief is likely to be much happier seeing a cable bike lock because they are too easy to break. The popularity of cable bike locks shows the existential gap in knowledge normal bikers having regarding the best way to secure a bike.


In a bike U lock, it is very open for a thief to cut something open due to the special care taken to avoid the same. With a better locking mechanism and lesser dependence on long cables and chains to restrict bike movement, a bicycle U lock becomes a much better option.

Which Bicycle U Lock to Buy?

If you do want to buy a bicycle U lock, the question of choosing a sturdy and dependable product comes into the picture. There are many options in the market for the average consumer to choose from. Many companies offer bicycle U locks in different sizes, each with big claims of offering top-notch security.

While choosing a bicycle U lock, here are a few things buyers should consider –

  • Durability - Any bicycle lock you consider should be durable enough to last three to five years without causing any trouble.
  • Weather-resistant – A bicycle lock must be able to withstand different weather conditions and protect the bike against all odds
  • Affordability – In general, the price of a bicycle U lock should be affordable to a point at which it is within the range of most cyclists.
  • Anti-theft protection – Most bike locks nowadays must have anti-theft protection in order to make the very act of stealing impossible.

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These factors together make a very good bicycle U lock. However, finding such a lock in the market is very difficult. In this article, we will discuss a bike U lock that meets all the aforementioned criteria.

Via Velo Bicycle U Lock 14mm Shackle with Cable

One of the more well-known brands in the bike security world, Via Velo is an important brand for all bikers to know. Offering imperious security and affordable prices is a key mission of Via Velo, as can be seen with its bicycle U lock with a 14mm shackle coming along with a 1m long cable.

The Via Velo 14mm Shackle U-Lock is a popular choice amongst bikers looking for a solution to their bike security needs. It comes with a unique locking mechanism and sure-shot anti-theft protection, giving bikers the necessary peace of mind.

One of the key points Via Velo focuses on is maintaining the affordability of its bike locks. The importance of keeping bike locks largely affordable is reflected in how Via Velo bicycle locks are priced. These traits are crucial aspects as to why customers prefer Via Velo bike locks and this particular bicycle U lock.

There are many unique features with the 14mm shackle Via Velo bicycle U lock. Some of them are –

  • Drill protective and resistant to pull
  • The lock is resistant from being picked by malicious individuals
  • Comes with a convenient mounting bracket making it easy to transport
  • Resistant to corrosion. Dust, dirt, water, and debris resistant
  • Resistant from cutting and leveraging due to the presence of a 14mm rubber casing.
  • Two unique keys offered with the package.
  • Separate mothing bracket to make sure bicycle lock can be transported wherever the bike goes
  • Protective PVC coating on lock to make it resistant to scratches
  • Unique locking mechanism to dissuade lock pickers and duplicate key makers
  • Anti-theft protection to close the door upon common thievery attempts

Priced at $22.76, this Via Velo bicycle U lock is affordable and secure at the same time. Via Velo bicycle U lock online reviews further attest to the imperious security features, durability, and ease of use offered in the product. Those looking for a secure way to enhance their bike security must consider the Via Velo bicycle U lock.

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In Conclusion

This article covers the basics of a bicycle U lock. In the current state of cycling and bike locks, getting a chain or cable lock is not an ideal option. The Via Velo bicycle U lock is the best option for a biker.


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